5 Superfoods to Boost Immunity During Cold and Flu Season

Cold and flu season is starting, and more and more people are looking for ways to strengthen their immune systems. Whether it be with supplements, adequate rest, or adding specific foods to their diet. Let’s discuss the latter, review superfoods and take a look at which ones are especially beneficial to strengthen your immune system this cold and flu season.

When your immune system is strong and functioning at an optimal level, it can protect you and your children from many illnesses and infections. Nobody likes being sick and having their life halted to a pause to stop and recover from an illness. Thankfully, you can boost your immune system and keep it strong by simply choosing to eat specific super foods. Lowering your risk greatly for coming down with a cold this season.

What is a superfood?

Superfoods are nutrient dense foods that contain high levels of proteins, vitamins, amino acids and more. Superfoods don’t have their own food group there just foods that are extremely beneficial to you. Some people have the idea that superfoods are hard to find and expensive, that belief is just not so, they are easily accessible. Let’s take a brief look at 5 amazing and possibly surprising superfoods.

  • Garlic – Not only does garlic taste great, but it is chocked full of health benefits. Garlic has incredible antibacterial properties, one of its active compounds called Allicin has been shown to even kill the super-bacteria MRSA. Garlic has also been linked to lower blood pressure, and possibly lower the risk of stroke.
  • Sweet Potatoes – Although a sweet potato is a starch, it is definitely one of the healthiest ones you can eat. Sweet potatoes are high fiber and nutrient rich, packed with potassium, vitamin C and vitamin A.
  • Salmon – Salmon is loaded with nutrients and high-quality proteins some of which include Vitamins B1, B3, B6, B12 as well as Selenium and Potassium. Salmon is also excellent source of Omega – 3 fatty acids which are known to reduce risk factors for heart disease, this includes lowering levels of high cholesterol and lowering blood pressure.
  • Blueberries – Blueberries are a popular superfood, not only are they delicious, but they are low in calories and packed with nutrients as well. In fact, they are one of the most nutrient dense berries you can consume. Blueberries contain Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Manganese, Fiber and a high concentration of antioxidants. Antioxidants are beneficial to our health because they combat the effects of free radicals on the body. Free radicals are naturally occurring in our bodies; however, we are also subjected to them from our environment. They negatively impact your health by weakening the immune system and subjecting you to illnesses and diseases.
  • Kale – Kale is another food that is packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Some people avoid kale because it can taste quite bitter. A great way to incorporate it into your diet is to add it to fruit smoothies, the sweet fruit will overwhelm the bitter taste so you can still reap all the benefits.

Get ahead of the cold and flu season by eating healthy and start boosting your immune system today. A superfood smoothie a day keeps illnesses away. If you do happen to contract a cold during the season our physicians are here 7 days a week at Suntree Internal Medicine, located in Suntree/Melbourne. We would be honored to take care of you.