Breathing Treatments

Are you having difficulty breathing?
There is a wide variety of diseases, ailments and allergens that can result in breathing difficulty. If you or a loved one is experiencing any of the below respiratory symptoms, and depending on the cause, acting immediately is of the utmost importance for your health.
Signs & Symptoms of Breathing Difficulties
- Wheezing
- Nasal and chest congestion
- Nasal flaring
- Hoarse Voice
- Rapid breathing
- Raspy Breaths
- Chest Retraction
- Cyanosis
Breathing Treatments
Breathing treatments measure the amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs and how successful the lungs are at getting oxygen into the blood stream. Some breathing tests can also show if there are any problems with the lungs that can be seen on pictures of the lungs, which can be accomplished by undergoing an X-ray, CT (CAT) scan, and in some cases MRIs. The majority of these tests do not require blood to be drawn through a needle, but rather by breathing into a mouthpiece. Multiple rounds of the same test may be done in order to get the most accurate test results. Pulmonary function tests (lung function tests) and Spirometry are commonly ordered tests for people suspected of having breathing problems. Other tests that may done to determine lung function may include exercise stress tests, gas diffusion tests, inhalation challenge tests, residual volume, and body plethysmography. Common side effects of breathing tests include dizziness, light-headedness or tiredness, so be sure to ask your physician for any special instructions beforehand.
Most Common Respiratory Illnesses:
- Asthma
- Pneumonia
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Emphysema
- Cystic Fibrosis/Bronchiectasis
- Lung Cancer
- Pleural Effusion
Additional Respiratory Illness - Coronavirus/COVID-19
Unlike the illnesses listed above, COVID-19 is new, thus meaning we still don’t fully understand it and are working diligently as a nation and world to learn about it. COVID-19 is classified as a respiratory illness which belongs to a larger family of virus known as coronaviruses. This specific strain that started the global pandemic had never been seen in humans before. As far as we know, the virus spreads from person-to-person between people who are in close contact with one another. Just as other viruses, COvid-19 can spread through droplets which are released when an infected individual sneezes, coughs, or even talks. Shortness of breath, cough, and fever are all primary symptoms of COVID-19. If you have these symptoms please remember to call ahead to any health facility to plan on visiting. Suntree Internal Medicine is not testing for COVID-19 virus. The Department of Health in Brevard County has a 24/7 call center 1 (866) 779-6121 and email address: if you have any questions regarding the nearest locations to get tested. We empathize with not only our patients but also our community during this time and always.